Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing 16: Library Thing

I had heard about Library Thing for quite a while and even recommended it to a friend that wanted to catalog her kid's books. I'd never tried it before today. You can store all sorts of good information in there. At first, I just started sticking books in off the top of my head.....Riordan.....39 clues.....Harry Potter. I made a mistake in the search on 39 clues and accidentally put it in tags instead of search the first time. Didn't notice that until I'd accidentally tagged all 7 Harry Potters as 39 clues. Fortunately, it was a pretty easy fix.
While I like that the ability to put in when you read it is there, I'm not sure I'd actually use that feature.
I can see this being useful to get kids to log books they have read but the actual implementation of such would probably not least in my school where there are so many low-income kids that have no computer access at home. Would be great when we actually get to the time when all kids have laptops though. ;)
As with Delicious and Digg, you can see who else has it and what it was tagged as. I love that is gives other suggested books, too. I do wonder in those suggestions what 39 Clues: One False Note has in common with Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw. They are both green but past that....not so convinced.
I think I'm going to turn my 3rd grader loose in here and see what he can find.

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